
Showing posts from November, 2021

Trip to Alaska – Part 3 of 3

 Denali National Park After a great week spent in Anchorage, we travelled to Denali by coach, a 230 miles journey. Along the highway we could see the changes in the nature around us. The arrival to the park was grandiose. You do not realize how large it is until you see it. Denali mountain is the highest in North America, reaching 20.000 feet and the park has 5 million acres. No car is allowed, and you travel by park buses. We used them and were delighted that rangers boarded the bus with us and gave interesting explanations about the different facts of the park. Animals are roaming free in Denali. We were lucky to observe a Mama grizzly bear followed by her two cubs keeping close to her. A handsome elk looked at us, proud of his stature. Many other small creatures were running around, squirrels, marmots, foxes… However, we were not able to see Denali Mountain top, hidden from us by fog and clouds… As a group, we were taken for small hikes with a ranger to discover small paths an

Trip to Alaska – Part 2 of 3

  Trip to Alaska – Part 2 of 3  After WW2 a Renaissance occurred in the Native culture. As an example, the Youpik have villages of about 250 people with a main occupation: fishing salmon and other fish. They live in log cabins with, next to their door, a small “house”, called "food cache" high on sticks, where they keep their food.  A ladder kept on its side allow humans to go up… but not bears. Hunting is also a necessity to survive during so many cold months of the year. The Eskimos live in the North, grouped in villages along the coast. Whaling has been very important with every part of the animal being used. Logging, fishing, and tourism are the main sources of income in Alaska, but oil has been discovered in Prudhoe Bay in the modern time. We learn an interesting fact about the people of the North…In many of the tribes, you cannot refuse food if you are invited. It is a grave insult to the host… In Anchorage, we were invited to a lively performance of natives’ danc

Trip to Alaska - Part 1 of 3

 Trip to Alaska  -  Part 1  of  3 Alaska was purchased by the US from Russia, with the signature of President   Andrew Johnson on October 18, 1867. After the Civil War, William Seward, Secretary of State, had accepted the second offer by the Russians to sell us Alaska for $ 7.2 million. Little interest was shown first and it was called “Seward’s Folly”…. But in 1896…. Gold was discovered… and everything changed. Alaska became a State on January 3, 1959, Hawaii following on August 21, 1959 as the 50 th State. President Eisenhower issued an order for the American Flag having 50 stars. Alaska is a great place to visit… so different from the other States. What fascinated me was its immensity in contrast with the scare population(except in the large towns) You drive miles along the highway from Anchorage to Denali National Park, meeting a car here and there and stopping at last in a tourist coffee shop, tired from the long drive. If you head South of A

Pilgrimage Tour for Elvis Presley’s Graceland in Memphis, TN

When you think of the King of Rock & Roll, who comes to your mind first?  This is a story I heard by chance on a TV program before. Elvis Presley is the highest-paid man in America even after his death. I think Elvis Presley, a truly amazing and legendary singer, is the real King of Rock & Roll. Elvis Presley’s mansion and museum, which is called “Graceland,” is located in Memphis, TN. If you are a fan who loves and misses Elvis, I recommend that you visit. This is also a must see when visiting Memphis, TN. ^^ Graceland Travel Tips Address: Elvis Presley Blvd, Memphis, TN 38116 Phone: (901) 332-3322 Business Hours- Open 7 days a week                               9 am-4 Pm 1. Graceland Tickets -It is convenient to book tickets in advance on the Graceland website below. -One-day ticket to visit the museum is $26-$47 and takes about 1.5-3hrs. -A one-day ticket to visit the museum and mansion together is $43-$75 and takes about 3-4 hrs. -Aside from that, tick

Orkney Islands Part 2- Historical Sites

  The Orkney Islands are 20 miles north of the coast of Scotland. In the Orkneys, you will find many prehistorical remains, most of them very well preserved. Maes Howe is a burial chamber, built around 2800 BC for an important family. The entrance is a long low corridor arriving to a burial chamber. The interesting fact is that the tomb is illuminated when the winter solstice sunset shines down through the passage once a year. Let’s go now to the Ring of Brodgar, a circle of 60 stones of which 27 remain standing. It dates from around 3000 BC and was probably used for religious and social ceremonies. Nearby, in Stenness only 4 stones survived. Skara Brae is the Northern Europe best preserved Neolithic village which has an interesting story.   In 1850 a wild storm stripped earth and grass from a dune by the sea and the ruins of an ancient village was discovered… dating from 5000 years ago… before the pyramids were built… The structure of the village survived because it became covered

U-Pick Fruit Farms, Farmer's Market, and An Apple Farm in Knoxville Area, TN

  Now that the weather is quite cool in the morning and evening, it really feels like autumn has arrived.  I personally love the fall season the most for many reasons. First of all, fall is the season of the harvest, and beautifully multi-colored mountains and trees, and cabins on the hills draw especially more tourists to Tennessee. Knoxville, Tennessee, where I live, is mainly famous for its beautiful mountains and hiking trails. Especially in fall, there are many fruit farms in Tennessee where we can pick and buy fruit on our own, called Pick You Own. Some farms grow all types of fruits in different batches together and each fruit is open for PYO when available seasonally. Berries like strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry are usually available in summer and for apples the best season is fall. Some farms also grow their own vegetables, so if you are lucky, you can even buy fresh vegetables. Below is a list of fruit farms in the Knoxville area. A few farms with a long his